A Perpetually Unfulfilled Wanderlust
I love adventure and travel. I know this isn't shocking to anyone who knows me or has been around this website and on my social media pages for a while. I have been bitten by the adventure bug what feels like a thousand times over, and I am still not immune. By my chosen career, I've had the honor and good fortune to travel to some of the world's most remote and exotic lands. What I have learned about myself through these adventures has shaped how I view my life, my work, the people around me, and my worldview.

Follow me on Instagram where I share what I hope will be inspiring lessons, stories, and anecdotes of my adventures. In this place, I can catalog and download the travels that continue to shape how I view this beautiful, complicated, and rich in color, flavor, and experience world we cherish.
The truth about travel, for just about everyone, is that it forces us out of our everyday lives and comfort zones. That mild destabilization from our constant rituals and patterns can inspire us to look fresh at life and the world around us. Adventure and discovery challenges us to adapt to and explore new surroundings and engage with others differently. It also encourages us to try new things as we reinvent ourselves.
Seeking the awe of adventure is literally in our human heritage and our DNA – humans are "nomadic creatures" descended from hunter-gatherer populations that would travel from place to place for food and community. We have always been on the move. Where you're sitting right now is mainly because someone, at some point, was battling an inborn restlessness to explore a new place. Humans are also quite an adaptive species, but we are also designed for adventure, change and adaptation. Travel inspires in us hope – a foundational element of human flourishing.
Make no mistake – one doesn't need to travel to a far-off land to gain a fresh perspective. The town over from yours, a new coffee shop in another city, a run along a nature trail you've never experienced before – these all can bring the same elements of stretching us as evolved people that international travel does. And if you have the means to travel further – make it a priority – even if it means you must make a commitment to that piggy bank you stored away. It will be an investment in your self-development that will last well past the time you've unpacked your bags.
So join me my friends as we embark on new adventures that will spark your curiosity, lust for exploration, and inspire you to elevate your personal and professional lives!

get Dr. Mandelbaum's Book
The Win Within: Capturing Your Victorious Spirit
“His inspiration helped me conquer my adversity and reach my Olympic dreams.” - Cliff Meidl, two-time U.S. Olympic athlete, Inspirational Speaker