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Healthy Travel Tips for Seniors

The month of September is observed nationwide as Healthy Aging Month. Now is a great time to celebrate and promote the ways people can remain safely active and healthy as we age. Sadly, physical decline for most humans can begin as early as our 30s and then take a sharper dive after 60. Sometimes, life changes and physical health deterioration can also impact our mental health as we age. While you may not be able to prevent all the physical and cognitive decline that can come with aging, there is plenty you can and should do to hold it off for as long as possible.

Did you know that travel is a powerful tool for enhancing your physical and mental health, regardless of age? As a seasoned traveler, I've accumulated numerous tips from my domestic and international adventures. If you're closer to your "golden years" than your "spring chicken years," this article is for you! With careful planning and mindfulness about your destination, you can satisfy your wanderlust and unlock a wealth of anti-aging health benefits through travel.

While travel can be a rewarding experience for everyone, I'm a physician, so I must provide a health disclaimer here. Seniors need to take precautions to ensure safe and enjoyable travels.

Plan Ahead

If you are under the care of a physician, especially for a chronic condition, it is crucial to consult with your doctor before you depart. Discussing your upcoming travels with your doctor makes good sense to ensure you're in adequate health for the journey ahead. Additionally, if you are health-sensitive to extreme temperatures or weather fluctuations, opt for destinations with more temperate and stable climates and weather patterns. Pre-travel education on the area you'll be visiting helps you prepare for navigating the place once you're there and can inform your packing decisions. Speaking of packing – don't forget to bring essential medications and medical equipment if you use these items regularly. Few things can ruin a trip faster than forgetting daily medicines you need and can only get from home.

Your Health On-the-Go

Dehydration can become a problem for many travelers, no matter their age, but it can be especially problematic for seniors. Regardless of climate, stay focused on regular hydration throughout the day – especially after plane flights, lengthy car rides, and long walking trips. In addition to hydration, focus on healthy eating when you travel. Explore new foods and flavors at your destination while remaining mindful of what types of food typically upset your digestive system. In addition, as a rule, it's best to avoid consuming food provided by street vendors as they may not be subject to the same food safety rules and regulations as restaurant food providers.

Sleep is also an essential focus for seniors while traveling. Especially for those traveling to a different time zone, be sure to orient yourself to your time zone and maintain a regular sleep schedule. If your destination requires bus or car rides or long walks, take frequent breaks to avoid fatigue and the health pitfalls that can accompany it.

Enjoy the Journey

Travel offers intangible benefits, regardless of destination: the opportunity to try new things, make interesting connections, relax, and have fun. By following the tips outlined here, you can ensure safe and enjoyable travel experiences now and for many years to come.
